Jerry Payne


Memorial by Stan Rosenthal

Jerry was a very good person. This is another deep loss for the guys inside because he would help anyone. He was involved with the volleyball program and we played racquetball, most weekends, against the 40' Gaterford wall. Jerry could be trusted and was totally dependable. He quietly gave of himself and his possessions to those less fortunate on a regular basis. His help extended to defend those that were considered weak and vulnerable in this setting. He would not tolerate a bully and always looked for positive things to say. I have seen him sacrifice for the betterment of others.

I, we, lost a good friend, a caring and compassionate person. I am truly hurt by his passing. This is another big loss.


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From Mourning Our Losses:

Jerry Payne passed away in December 2020 due to complications from COVID-19. He was incarcerated in a state prison in Pennsylvania. We mourn his loss.


Donald James Campbell


Jacinto Salinse Cortez